The conference, organized by the Association of Political Consultants-Africa, aims to sensitise those who have been in the business of political consultancy towards the need for regulations of their practice and enhancement of value chains in the practice
Anti- democratic practices clog in the wheel of Africa’s progress
A group, Association of Political Consultants-Africa (APC- Africa), has said that the continent is today beset by a litany of anti-democratic practices that have stalled her progress in all spheres, noting that such anti-democratic practices include daylight electoral robberies, subversion of electoral rules, sit-tight leadership syndrome, among others.
Politicians need PR Experts to win Elections
Ghanaian – Canadian Public Relations expert, Mr. William Akoto, on Thursday the 23rd of February 2017, at a breakfast meeting organized by the Institute of Public Relations chapter of the African University College of Communications (AUCC), stated that politicians should work with efficient public relations officers to help them build strong brands to present the most appropriate image to their target audience. He said this was key in winning an election as proper PR practice will help them connect to the people.