Dwayne Lilley
Dwayne is an expert is voter contact operations and urban campaigns. The grandson of a Philadelphia Ward Leader and former City Councilman, Dwayne got his start in politics at the age of 6, delivering political materials to voters. Dwayne spent the next decade knocking on doors, persuading voters, distributing campaign materials and leading motorcades.
He has consulted or managed dozens of political operations. Most impressively, Dwayne served simultaneously as the campaign manager for three candidates, winning all three races. After serving as the Chief of Staff in the Legislature, Dwayne worked as Deputy Political Director to Mayor Jim Kenney's campaign. He currently holds the position of Ward Leader in Philadelphia. His specialties include campaign management, canvassing operations, targeting, voter contact, volunteer recruitment and retention, Get Out the Vote (GOTV) and Election Day operations, urban campaigns and judicial campaigns.
Dwayne was recruited to play Quarterback at Virginia Union University, studying Business Management and Financial Management during his tenure. A serial entrepreneur, Dwayne has successfully started a number of businesses including Martha’s Vineyard’s first ever aquarium, a record company, and the Main Line Youth Development Group. When not electing politicians or starting businesses, you'll find Dwayne enjoying time with his wife Marlisa and his 5 children.